Ianna Cel (4)Full unit name: Cel, Ianna
Last updated: 16.07.2024 0:04:18
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Known Facts (9)
Pirate Medicine (5) »
  • Held a rank of Doctor and was Scientist in Taris Resettlement Authority
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Dr. Cel asked Commander Viqui for help, Commander refused, since Sepanik wasn't a Republic hospital and the pirates had legal salvage rights.
  • Viqui
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Ianna Cel
    As you can see by the data, there is no disease in known space that propagates as quickly as the Tarisian rakghoul plague. Even one individual rakghoul can start a pandemic, as we have observed in eighty-one colonies to date. Until a vaccine can be widely distributed, it is highly doubtful that any civilian colonization effort will yield lasting results. Thank you.
    If you're working on a vaccine, We'd like to help. I didn't know rakghouls had gotten so many colonies.
    Ianna Cel
    "Working on" is a generous term. The last breakthrough in rakghoul plague research was three centuries ago.
    Doctor Ianna Cel, but no one gets famous doing Tarisian rakghoul work. The last breakthrough was three centuries ago. HoloNet archives say a Doctor Forn developed a "rakghoul serum" vaccine just hours before the bombardment. I've been trying to acquire this serum, but short of putting a blaster to someone's head, that's not going to happen.
    Hero of Tython
    If there's a cure out there, you'd be saving millions.
    Ianna Cel
    Don't tempt me. There's a pirate camp not far from here. I heard they went after the ruins of Sepanik Memorial Hospital. Sepanik was well preserved. If there's rakghoul serum to be found, it'd be there. I asked Commander Viqui to step in, but since it wasn't a Republic hospital, the pirates have legal salvage rights.
    We'll see what they want in trade for this serum.
    Commander Viqui has her hands full. We'll handle the pirates. What is legal and what is right are often different. We'll pay them a visit.
    Ianna Cel
    That's... that's extremely brave of you. The Death's Claw pirate gang robs anything that talks and shoots anything that doesn't.
    Hero of Tython
    This serum is worth a lot more lives than mine. We're in.
    Ianna Cel
    But please - be careful. This plague has made enough martyrs. I can't say what will be required to get this done, but this plague has infected half a planet's worth of people. So if that serum shows up on my lab table, it'd be unethical to throw it away for any reason. I hope my position is clear.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1
  • Used MedScan
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Ianna Cel
    Welcome back. Let's get those serum samples analyzed and see what we've got. Well, thank the Force for good Tarisian storage technology. I wasn't sure anything would still be viable after three centuries. While we wait... is there a cost to these samples I should be aware of? A deal with a pirate crew, perhaps?
    Nothing worth mentioning.
    Ianna Cel
    Ah, here we are. Fortunately, the plague is so virulent, it cultures very rapidly.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1
Catalyst (4) »
  • Held a rank of Doctor and was Scientist in Taris Resettlement Authority
  • Used MedScan
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Ianna Cel
    Hmm. Bad news. The serum you recovered looks like it was effective three hundred years ago, but the rakghoul plague has mutated since then. This serum will only provide effective immunity for extraordinarily healthy individuals.
    No one's going to take an unreliable vaccine.
    Ianna Cel
    Yes, but it gives us options. Right now I need what we call a "lucky survivor," whose system has antibodies to the modern plague.
    How do we make it stop modern rakghouls?
    Ianna Cel
    Manufacturing a true vaccine requires what we call a "lucky survivor," someone whose system has made antibodies to the plague. We haven't had a survivor yet, for obvious reasons. But this serum might provide the link we need. If I infected an extraordinary individual protected by the serum, I could collect the antibodies and make an effective vaccine.
    Ianna Cel
    I need someone with proven recuperative powers. Someone who gets injured almost on a daily basis. Ideally, they would have survived stabbings, shootings, poison, infections... maybe all of the above. Or, barring that, someone with conscious control over their bodily processes. Such as a Jedi.
    Hero of Tython
    I am well versed in that art. It should be safer for me than others.
    I've been shot more often than the family holocamera. This can't be much worse.
    Doctor... We don't get a chance to save a billion lives every day. I'm in.
    Hero of Tython
    To immunize every Tarisian for generations to come? To recolonize what the Sith destroyed? There is not one of us who wouldn't lay down our lives.
    Ianna Cel
    I hoped to convince maybe one of you - but to see more than that is... I'm overwhelmed. Well... and I had this whole speech ready... all right. We have a medical droid, CB-08-4, set up to observe rakghouls in the field. He'll be able to collect the antibodies and slow any potential complications. After I give you the serum, go out there and test it. Let the rakghouls attack you and... see what happens.
    Get it over with. Inject us and let's get going.
    Are there any other medical facts I should know?
    Ianna Cel
    Uh... sure. You're doing the right thing. Now here's your serum injection.
    You don't have this plague in a needle or something?
    Ianna Cel
    If it needs to work in the field, it needs to work in the field. Now, here's your serum injection. I hope the Force is with you, because the science is stretched to the limit.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Ah, I see your infection is progressing. Hold still, I will take samples for analysis. While I transmit the data to Doctor Cel, there are some questions I should ask. Do you have any of the following symptoms: dizziness, fever, shortness of breath or an inexhaustible hunger for sentient flesh?
    Can you do anything about these cuts? I'm losing blood, here.
    I'm sorry, my core function is in analysis, not trauma care. Ah, here's Doctor Cel.
    Ianna Cel
    Good news. Your antibody count is off the charts. I'll start work on a vaccine immediately. You are remarkably brave. Our progress has just jumped forward by years. While you recuperate, I'm going to transmit the usual secrecy agreements. Just use your thumbprint to sign on the sensor.
    What do you mean "usual" secrecy agreements?
    Ianna Cel
    This is standard procedure when the Republic develops biotech with significant earnings potential. We develop the vaccine for Republic soldiers first, and when it's proven, sell it to colonists. Until then, it's under wraps. We don't want the Exchange or the Sith funding some horrible operation with an underground version. The amount of money we're talking about is staggering. I could make a career out of a vaccine like this.
    Hero of Tython
    Lives will be lost while this profit is being made.
    Ianna Cel
    Tell me something I don't know. Every week we hear another rakghoul horror story. But every colonist on the planet is going to want this vaccine. How do I tell my superiors we gave up that kind of money?
    If you get a sample to the Jedi, I bet they'd find someone to make it fast.
    Ianna Cel
    I'll keep that in mind. We'll get this cure out one way or another.
    An entire planet succumbed to this plague. Are you a doctor or a patent office?
    Ianna Cel
    I'm a doctor. And this cure will get made, even if I have to build the manufacturing plant or hand-synthesize every macrophage....
    Well, I think she's angry. But from past experience, may I say that usually motivates her. If it means anything coming from a droid, congratulations on your research and also, your remarkable survival.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1, CB-08-4
Dr. Ianna Cel was a female human scientist
who lived during the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
She was a renowned expert in the field of xenometamorphic epidemiology. During the Taris Resettlement Initiative
Taris Resettlement Initiative
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
, Dr
. Ianna Cel was assigned to the Republic
Galactic Republic
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
Taris Resettlement Authority
Planetary and Sector
tasked with the reconstruction of Taris. She, along with a group of biologists
, xenobiologists
and virologists
- was attempting to recreate a vaccine that could cure the Tarisian rakghoul
plague that had polluted the planet for centuries, and which had already caused a pandemic in eighty-one colonies across planet - without it Republic's colonization effort would have failed. She was aware that such a vaccine - called "Rakghoul Serum" - had been created by Dr. Forn
Zelka Forn
Minor Characters
three hundred years ago, just hours before the planet was bombarded
Destruction of Taris
Jedi Civil War
by the Sith Empire
Revan's Sith Empire
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
. She theorized that since the Sepanik Memorial Hospital was well preserved, there would be a place where the rakghoul serum could be found. But the ruins of the hospital were under control of Death's Claw
Death's Claw
Planetary and Sector
, and when Cel asked Commander
Minor Characters (TOR)
for help, Commander refused, since Sepanik wasn't a Republic hospital and the pirates had legal salvage rights.
Dr. Cel asked a group of Republic operatives
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
to help obtain samples of the serum and return them to her.
She analyzed the serum and discovered that, while it still functioned, it was only partially effective due to mutations in the rakghoul virus that had occurred over the past three hundred years. She explained that to produce a real vaccine, it would require someone with proven recuperative abilities - who had survived stabbings, shootings, poison and infections - whose system would be able to produce antibodies to the plague. The operatives agreed to help, and the doctor injected them with some of the serum for protection, asking to become infected by any rakghoul and then go to a medical droid CB-08-4
(REPM-A01 Protocol Droid)
to collect the antibodies.
After the operatives ventured into the wilderness and survived contracting the infection, they met with CB-08-4 at the Draay Outpost in the Brell Sediment region, who collected the antibodies and sent them to Dr. Cel, contacting her immediately. She confirmed that this was enough to begin production of the vaccine, and planned to sell it to the army on orders from her superiors, but the operatives convinced her that the vaccine should be available to everyone as soon as it was ready.
She thanked the operatives and promised that the cure would be made, even if she had to build the manufacturing plant or hand-synthesize every macrophage.
See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Taris Resettlement Authority
Known roles
Taris Resettlement Authority
Known weaponry & equipment
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Hero of Tython
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Kira Carsen
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Qyzen Fess
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Aric Jorgan
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Corso Riggs
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Full unit name: Cel, Ianna Last updated: 16.07.2024 0:04:18